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Thursday, July 26, 2007

song of the day: boys like girls - the great escape

just a quick update to keep this blog alive.
haha, watch out for my next or next next blog post!
will update about my class! all the people one by one and stuffs.

saturday went to the yishun fire station in the morning!
it was quite a good trip and yeah, your perspective of fireman will CHANGE!
ok try this.
you think at any one time, there's only 10-20 fireman in a firestation, if not less.
answer: there's more than 40 at that time i was there.
LOL. okay another one!
you think on the average, there's less than 20fires in singapore, per day.
answer: 300-500 ON THE AVERAGE per day!! may have more on weekends.
i thought, man this was like crazy.
i hardly or i did not even see any burning houses before and there's actually 300-500 a day.
yeah, surprising but true.
the trip started off with a lecture and amirul gets very fidgety in his seat cause he does not understand a thing.

cant sit still. haha.

after which, we went touring around the place and even got to try holding on to the hose!

eugene mr noisy



of course, amirul has his turn!

another one!

geraldine's honey! (her name sounded like honey but i cant rmb the exact spelling lol)

the people there were really nice to us and the kids.
from their faces we know they really welcomed us and had fun with us. lol.
next we also tried the elevator thing.
went up with amirul and look how high up we were!
those down there were like ants man.


we had a debrief after that and everyone headed back for the kindergarten!
went town immediately after that to meet up with the others for the kbox celebration!
it was fun fun fun x1000 lol and i ate alot!
i ate cakes, fruits, nuts blah and drank bout 4 or 5 glasses of ice lemon tea.
including the singing time from 2-7pm, each of us paid $14.50!!
which was like freaking cheap la hahaha!
i wanna go againnn pleaseeeeeeeeeee.
we took a neoprint too!
its currently with me and i haven got it p2p yet lol so yeah =x

thats bout all i guess!
i should blog again in about 2 days time or so so catch me people! ^^

and thanks to jack for your donut.
love ya! HAHA.
eugene was really really jealous.

donut from donut factory.
zijie, wheres my blue berry!?

jack and i before class photo taking


-just when i needed you most

Friday, July 20, 2007

song of the day: elva hsiao feat. hu yan bin - jing xing shi

happy happy 18 there! XD
the birthday celebration starts tomorrow and not today when we can enjoy the most!
we'll be there to celebrate daphne's caleb's and jianwen's birthday together.
along with melanie, anna, min han and me. ^^

but before that, i'll have to visit yishun firestation with the kindergarten kids! XD


anw the emo times are over!
here to blog bout two lousy issues on wednesday.

wednesdays are the days when we are allowed to eat deep fried food in school.
so usually, the chicken cutlet from the western stall will be selling like hotcakes on wednesdays.
however, our only break that day is from 1010-1040, a pathetic 30mins for us to queue, eat and go for our maths lecture.
after the maths tutorial which ended at 1010, normally one or two classmate will dash down and queue up for the cutlet.
the rest of us being the typical singaporeans, will get our friends to buy for us.
this week however, we're not that lucky.
classmate A went to order for us which totaled to about 7 plates.
i dont deny thats like cutting queue cause all 7 of us who went to collect our food, got scolded "fcuk you" by some stupid asswipes queueing up there.
i didnt realise im being scolded until bout after 2 secs or so lol. X_X?
a classmate of mine pointed middle finger back and scolded the f word.
guess what? after those dirty fellows buy their food, they came to confront us.
so stupid la, still ask wanna fight and stuffs.
fight lo, who scared who?
you hit me, i report, you say bye bye.
anyway, it's not like those people queued properly and not cutting queue.
com'on la they're famous for doing it already.
they just did not have friends in front of us that day and so, they cant help it.

chemistry lecture ended with a blast.
and i mean it as a blast.
the lecturer got slightly irritated that she screamed into the mic she's holding on.
she ranted and shouted and made the whole lecture jump.
ahaha the other teachers were also caught by surprise.
however, she kinda failed in her attempt as many were giggling and laughing over her "act" after that.
i guess you can only find this in ijc. lol.

will blog again soon after!
after i get more pictures ^^
follow up soon!

the people in the cabin were all lookin at me while i took this >.<

-just when i needed you most

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

song of the day: the goo goo dolls - before it's too late

i wasnt informed of the dry turned wet training today so i didnt went for it. (i didnt prepare the necessities)
and im glad i didnt cause im able to go home and nap for about 2-3 hours.
well i thought recently, things were not going the way i wanted it to be.
therefore, it kinda sucked now.
emo-ed my way through for the past few days.
sigh, will blog again soon.

-just when i needed you most

Saturday, July 14, 2007

song of the day: saosin - voices

thanks to miss kum for that!
saosin is an english band from the states.
wikipedia explained that the band name is adapted from a chinese dialect which meant careful.
so i thought it must be hokkien~!
cause in hokkien its called say oh sin.
whao what a nice name for a band!

some things i got from blogthings!
the results were...... >.<
see it for yourself below!

Your Brain is 53% Female, 47% Male

Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female
You are both sensitive and savvy
Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed
But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve
What Gender Is Your Brain?

You Are a Centaur

In general, you are a very cautious and reserved person.
However, you are also warm hearted, and you enjoy helping others in practical ways.
You are a great teacher, and you are really good at helping people get their lives in order.
You are very intuitive, and you go with your gut. You make good decisions easily.
What Mythological Creature Are You?

You Are a Pretty Good Liar

Your lies are somewhat believable, but sometimes you get caught.
Work on keeping your body language and emotions calm. And you'll be a better liar in no time!
Are You a Good Liar?

Your Dominant Thinking Style: Experimenting

You're all about looking at the facts, and you could always use more of them.
You see life as your lab - and you're always trying out new things, people, and ideas.

The master of mix and match, you're always coming up with unique combinations.
You are good at getting a group to reach consensus.
What's Your Thinking Style?

You are 100% Aquarius
How Aquarius Are You?

what the hell i swear i only did this only once and i didnt change anything! ^^

You Are Batman

Billionaire playboy by day. Saving the world by night.
And you're not even a true superhero. Just someone with a lot of expensive toys!
What Superhero Are You?

LOL com'on everyone knows im a poor ass.

kindergarten-ed in the morning.
i looked after amirul and syawal and made puppets for both of them.
it's like, super rush and tiring.
i gotta draw, cut, colour, attach, tie and tie again!
zzz but i still did faster than some who made only one lol =x
yeap towned after that with weesin.
till now my leg's still aching lol walked too much.
at first he said he only wanted to buy a tee.
in the end i chose like 4 shirts for him LOL.
yellow polo and black v neck from topman, a white and a black tee from flesh imp.
i myself only got a white v neck from topman.
also, i ate a chocolate x-treme from dairy queen's.
its super chocolatey with chunks and chunks of chocolate beans etc inside.
and its kinda BIG >.<

i took it halfway after it's eaten lol.

weesin also signed up for nebo.
i wanted to do it too actually but im LOW ON CASH!
$29 for 3years membership, kinda cheap i thought.
blah he wanted to lend me money but i rejected.
oh well.
thats bout all~!

Sophie Marlow's hardwork!
sophie marlow's a vampire btw ^^


-just when i needed you most

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

song of the day: the click five - jenny

apologise for not blogging on sunday!
my mom kept the modem for duno what reason zzz.
heard this song over mtv and it expressed what had kept inside me for so long.

i've pondered bout 20mins for what to enter for this post.

okay results.
proud to announce i passed ALL MY H2 SUBJECTS!
yay enough to promote liao HAHA.
really a big improvement since like sec3?
my results were going downhill till now.
guess my mom got pretty fed up with me for the past parent meeting sessions.
this time round she'll be happy with me! (finally)
Physics: 55% (improved from 16/100 last yr OMG)
Maths: 49% (improved from 32/100 last year)
Chemistry: 50% (improved from 42/100 last year)
even though its not the best of the results, im really quite satisfied with it. ^^
shall work hard for better results!!
oh btw, 45% is for passing XD
oh yeah~~
got back econs section a.
it sucked as expected lol - 12/30.(highest in class! =x)
hopefully i did okay for section b which will then allow me to pass. ^^

monday went campus superstar to support elaine!
unexpectedly, she got booted off =(
i thought agnes would be the one leaving the stage but who knows! zz.
elaine, good luck for revival okay!
saw quite a number of ex-bpians that day too. ^^

oh yeah MY TOE.
lol its healing kinda fast so dont have to worry bout me.
worry more for eugene cause he's gotten something 10times more severe than mine.
that stupid himbo twisted his ankle while training bball.
LOL what an ass =x
so now im like his walking stick + maid.
gotta support him, carry his bag and buy food for him. ._.

haha someone named it Maria which sounded like a maid's name.
lol but i respect her decision!
yay *xiao mei mei, ni tui ah pek de shi hou hen cute! wo yao gen ni na dian hua*
LOL LOL. nvm if you dont understand that.

XD :D lalabear's coffin >.<

was rather insane today and yesterday.
sometimes i dont even know what i was doing.
went around irritating people and making funny noises and role playing.
=/ damn dumb.
with these, i end this post.
mwuacks I LOVE YA ALL! ^^
oh and yeah, please drop me a tag!
i'll reply here and to your blog as well XD XD


She calls me baby
then she wont call me
says she adores me
and then ignores me
(Jenny, What's the problem?)

She keeps her distance
and sits on fences
puts up resistance
and builds defenses
(Jenny, Whats the problem?)

You keep me hanging on the line
everytime you change your mind

First you say you wont
then you say you will
you keep me hanging on
but we're not moving on
we're standing still
Jenny, you've got me on my knees
Jenny, It's killing me

She needs her own space
she's playing mind games
ends up at my place
saying that she's changed
(Jenny, what's the problem?)

I'm trying to read between the lines
you got me going out of my mind

First you say you wont
then you say you will
you keep me hanging on
but we're not moving on
we're standing still
Jenny, you've got me on my knees
Jenny, It's killing me

(ohh ohh ooohhhh)
It's killing me
(ohh ohh ooohhhh)
It's killing me
(ohh ohh ooohhhh)

First you say you wont
then you say you will
you keep me hanging on
but we're not moving on
we're standing still
Jenny, you've got me on my knees
Jenny, It's killing me

First you say you wont
then you say you will
you keep me hanging on
but we're not moving on
we're standing still
Jenny, you've got me on my knees
Jenny, It's killing me

It's killing me


~ The Click Five - Jenny
you kept me hanging for so long, but now i've moved on

-just when i needed you most

Thursday, July 05, 2007

song of the day: pan wei bo - just when i needed you most

hello everybody XD
how are you?
im very not fine LOL.
okay i'll explain later.

anyway about my results.
last year i got 17/100 for mid course.
this time round i got 55/100! woo XD
so happy please didnt really expect myself to pass.
even mr ng sk was kinda surprised i suppose.
lol anyway yay.
got back chemistry mcq too.
i scored 19/25! YAY AGAIN.
lol i think these are rather good news and yeah its a really good start.
hopefully get not bad for section b and others.
miss su said only 40% of the class passed GP, same goes for chemistry.
zz hopefully im one of those who passed.
as for maths, just hope i get E (45/100) enough liao.
i didnt think i did well for it so =/
ECONS is bad i think.
i nv pass any econs this year compared to last year where i pass them easily.
the things taught are different zz and the marking scheme as well.
wth man.
just pray hard for me to pass.

nothing special to mention for the past few days.
today PE was GREAT and HORRENDOUS.
our pe teacher didnt come so we were being dismissed.
but change liao so we went to play on our own.
first it was soccer in the futsal court.
damn funny game UNTIL i went up to tackle the ball with ziyang.
he missed kicking it and KICKED MY SMALLEST CUTE TOE =/
zzzz. it felt damn shitty and i sat to check it.
it didnt seem abnormal at all but the pain was excruciating.
after that i stopped soccer and played basketball instead.
this time round the game was good as well.
until dayl and i went up together and knock each other in the face.
after that i said "wahhh dayl ur headbutt damn pain la"
he replied "eh newton's third law, for every collision there will be an action reaction pair, so im getting the same force as well"
lol. so when F=mass x acceleration, i suffered F=(60kg)(2ms^2)=120N HAHA. (i calculated)
zz now there's a orh bak kak below my left eye.
haha damn obvious man =/
miss kum said she passed on all the bad luck to me leh.
yeah lor hmmm i agree. HAHA of cos not la.
awwwwww but damn suay.
anyway this is how my toe looks like after i came home =(


any methods to allow it to heal faster? =/
thats for today.
this saturday's LIVE EARTH DAY.
so rmb to wear GREEN people!

-just when i needed you most

Sunday, July 01, 2007

song of the day: zhang dong liang - wang zi


haha i think i said this for more than 20times today.
i had a "yue hui" today ^^
ytd asked miss kum out today cause felt kinda sian.
i bought a few things that i yearn for for quite sometime le! YAY.
i bought xiao gui's ear stud and chain! LOL.

bought a hand grip also.
nothing to do at home can do some hand gripping in order to have more muscles woo!
anyway we shopped at far east ate at hans blah and shopped at heerens cine etc.
outside cine got cosplay leh whao.
i felt it was kinda cool and perhaps one day i will learn how to cosplay too.
HAHA. anyway i believe almost all of us know many companies in the service sectors hire good looking people as sales person right?
NUM being one of them also hire good looking ones right.
we walked and saw a few NUM shops.
okay only leh where got v shuai or what. lol.
very tan thats true la.
maybe i can try becoming an num sales person during the holidays ^^
yeap then we went ehh, bugis?
lol thats where i got my xiao gui's earstud for $9.90.
woots >.< walk around bugis junction blah.
then we headed back to plaza singapura!
actually i even wanted to go esplanade listen to some music.
but guess it was kinda late le so we went home xD
anyway here are the pictures for you to enjoy.
dont drool okay!
either over me or her. HAHA.
okay im being very bhb zzz X_X sorry bout that.

after bathing lol.

guess who!

my cheesecake

woo yum

this 1 quite shuai lol


i look a lil puffy here >.<


another one



i did this for the whole day lol.


the good old story!

thats all for the photos!
anyway whats up with all TWO TIMERS!
it was stereotyped that guys are two timing girls and blah.
but now, its the GIRLS who are doing this so WHATS UP?
i have this friend who is really upset for the 3rd time he's being two timed.
haiz felt really sorry for him but cant do anything to salvage the situation.
just hope he'll feel better as the time passes.
ratio of the number of girls to guys is 2:1 (not sure worldwide or singapore)
so please cherish us!
if our malay friends are not allowed to have more than a wife, i believe 1/2 of the girls will have to spend their later part of their life staying single.
so THINK before you start TWO TIMING.
of course this is not directed to ALL GIRLS but THOSE who practises it.
haiz, 谁受得了!!!

-just when i needed you most

song of the day: bon jovi - (you want to) make a memory

back to my previous blogskin lol.
kinda sick of the other one already so HERE I AM!
changed the skin, the borders, fonts, links etc so hope you like it.
yay and im going town tmr with SOMEONE ^^
nothing much happened after the papers so i'll cover the smaller details.

firstly, sheng wei got me playing this game: PRISTONTALE
not exactly a new game cause i played with hongwei b4 like 3 years ago.
it was f2p then p2p then back to f2p again!
so i thought, ok lor after exams liao can play.
yah i played priestess (there's no priest X_X) and guess what, i played like on my own.
that sucker just kept leveling up finding his old friends and asked me solo or party other people.
say what, aiya make friends with other people ma.
DUH of cos i know that, but the DUTCH? (about 2/5 of the people i came across are dutch)
90% of them cant speak english and i dont even know them in real life la.
wheres the "FUN' part man.
so i got pretty fed up and quit the game.
soooo now im back to dota and audition. LOL.

next, kindergarten today.
it was good lol without some people ^^
amirul was kinda sick cause he was coughing.
i cant do much just keep patting his back lol.
next week we the guys will be giving a lesson to all the kids.
fun eh. but the zoo trip got postponed =(
cause the MP of admiralty has something on cant join us so haiz.
i still have 4 more saturdays with amirul leh so gotta cherish it.
will miss him one =(
the last saturday will be for parent-teacher(ME LOL) meeting.
whao sounds so exciting man HAHA but he's making good progresses so ntw! ^^

XINHUI edited this lol
i think i look super scary and fierce.
as for benjamin(i know you're reading this): GND ^^ _|_

thats all for now.

btw, CHRISTO who are you?
you linked to my blog and your blog is locked.
drop me a tag, thanks.

-just when i needed you most






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blogskin: Pan Weibo