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Thursday, August 31, 2006

song of the day: brian mcknight - back at one

today's teachers day! ponned school and went back bp. overslept when im supposed to meet the peeps at 8.15 so i went myself later. saw LOADS of people! woots. at first i thought i only know a few juniors. but when im there, i realise i know ALOT OF THEM! haha wherever i go, there's someone who ill say hi to. cant stop grinning at people and waving at them (: bp life feeels soooo goood! i took pics with some pple too =DD

went kbox after that. $12 for 2pm-9pm, LOL! we (me daph mel jianwen junwei mingjie weijie kheeonn xuesi anna) even got the large room! 3tvs and 4mics. v fun lar. haha. i left at 7.30 cos hungry and mom asks me to go home early. yup. i guessed i sang quite well! lol. and i think i was actually hogging on to the mic most of the time, singing non stop. wahahaha. i looveee music! thats my life. and hongwei ah why u keep calling me. miss me right! HAHA. thats for today. adios! ;DD

-just when i needed you most

Sunday, August 27, 2006

song of the MONTH: zhou jie lun - qian li zhi wai

for the 1st time in my life, i listened to fei yu qing for so many times. lol! this jay feat. fei yu qing song is great i should say! the zhong guo feng is still as melodious as before. this new jay album will be a great one. however i dont think im buying it cause im not really his die hard fan afterall. lol.

yesterday i went studying with jj at king albert park. weird la! haha. he called me ask me go study and the next moment, we're there studying. he doing his organic sketchbook while me doing my zou ji. haha after bout 2hrs plus we went bt plaza see if we can join pple in their dota games but no one is available at that moment so yup, we went for dinner. guess what? roti prata! LOL. at my sis's workplace. (: dumb lar sw! say wan dota den no pple dun come liao. ass lol.

some people dont win anything in their lives. i did and won something again TODAY! many years back i won 2tickets to he yao shan concert but i didnt went collect it. bahh. also many years back, i won 3rd prize of the thumbs up duno what competition when i only sent in 1entry form which went into the grand draw den i got chosen. lol. TODAY, i guessed correctly the TOP3 songs of YES933 LONG HU BANG, WINNING MYSELF $160! LOL LOL LOL. i jumped when liyi called me man. den i mumbled some nonsense when she talkin to me. HAHAHA! thats all. what a lucky day today! ;DD adios!

-just when i needed you most

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

song of the day: nan quan ma ma - li jia bu yuan

i've changed alot as a person. im not the lun i used to be, always so carefree and live life to the fullest. i used to say this to LOADS of people "we only live life once. so lets make the best out of it". however right now, im leading a dull life. im not making the best out of it. ive lost all my moods to do the things i like. STRESSED OUT is what you use to describe me.

music. i need lots of them to remind me what is life. without them, i can only see life as a real long stretch of road and im walking aimlessly. with music, the road changes into a plains with trees, rabbits hopping around, the sun smiling at me and i can lie on the grass patch while having a good nap, very much like fairy tales. but from what i see now, i doubt that will happen in anytime soon. i can just pray for that time to come faster.

i feel really lucky cause im blessed i should say. whenever i need help, there WILL be somebody there to lift me up. yes! everytime. i felt really moody yesterday. today i was feeling better and much to my surprise, daph and melanie got me a card+ear stud, hoping to cheer me up. they did, before my happiness subsided a lil and turning into anger. i wasnt angry they bought me stuffs i didnt like. i love em. but they actually spend money on me just to cheer me up? its such a waste of money u know. $17, you can do lots of stuffs with it. if you want to cheer me up, maybe just be there for me when i need you or at the most, treat me to lunch and ill be happy already (: but still, im really grateful. i can see the ones who really cherish me for who i am. once again, colours came back. i, really appreciate that. i love the both of you! <3

the only incident which sucked today was the pw meeting. "good game" quoted sj. other than that, i enjoyed my day today. (: and thanks to hongwei for finding MY BLOG! LOL. you know what i mean =x.

thats all for today. thanks for taking the time to read. tag too! take care peeps!


-just when i needed you most

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

song of the day: f.i.r - tian tian ye ye

im feeling very suffocated. life's getting a lil more stressful day after day. and sometimes, i dun even know what im trying to get at. therefore when i talk nonsense, just ignore me. sometimes i thought i really need a break, such as dota break with my team. however, when i think of the promos, i will have this mindset where "if i play, ill fail". so is this good or bad? many people tell me that i have stm. which i really think i do have it. i can say something and forget it the next moment, repeating it for a second time. whats wrong with me? lack of sleep or vitamins? there's so much things to balance right now. friends family studies and stuffs. i guess i really need a break. sigh.

teachers' day next thurs. im going bp and gonna meet lots of old pals. miss them loads man.


-just when i needed you most

Sunday, August 20, 2006


TODAY'S THE DAY! its suayness lor i tell u all.

i went westmall today for pwb autograph session. i thought i get to have my album signed just by showing it. WHO KNOWS? you need that bloody grey/silver coupon then u can enter that enclosure thing. SO DUMB CAN! then i realise my coupon is for tmr's ge you hui. AHHHHHHHHH! then i approached the cd rama staffs over there thinkin maybe i can use my mei se to cheat 1grey coupon from them. CANNOT! wtf. confirm is pple reject her too much so she dislikes guys. LOL.

i went there with jiawei btw. both of us found a spot behind 2girls on the 2nd level. from there can get clear view lar and i can take pictures without much trouble. JUST BEFORE THE THING STARTED, THIS CHINA BITCH BRING ALONG 1 VERY SMALL GIRL. that lil girl just squeeze in between the 2girls and squeaked alot of "excuse me". they let her in. FINE. 1-2mins later, THAT GIRL CAME OUT AND THAT CHINA BITCH CUT INTO THAT SPACE. WHAT THE FFFFCUKKKK?!?! then the mom took the small girl away. i tell u i was sooo pissed and disgusted. then i talked to jiawei saying "WHA SO CHEAP AH? I V DULAN LEH" that smelly slut heck care. TMD GO TO HELL LAR U CHINA BITCH! its not like im bias towards china pple BUT ITS THIS KIND OF ATTITUDE MAKES PEOPLE LOOK DOWN ON YOU. somemore she's not taking photo block me. while takin i said, oie can excuse not then she give me some space. if i girl i sure step her shoes and give her a bloody tight slap. ROAR! cannot shake hands with pwb nvm liao, still kena this. u say i angry not? =/ thanks to yang and jj who tried to find me. LOL.

Yesterday was exciting towards late noon. cause we went for DOTA! it was FUN FUN FUN! lol. 11 of us (me jj merrill zijie shawntien sunghun jessen tabby shermaine tiancheng and enrico) went bukit timah plaza. shiokness though i suck abit. lol. it was just sooo relaxing. (: MORE DOTA NEXT TIME PLEASE! heh. adios!

-just when i needed you most

Thursday, August 17, 2006

song of the day: pan wei bo - zhao mi

yess! 2more days and im gonna see panweibo for the 1st time! supported him since sec1 till now. so long le then i get to see him! lol quite eager sia.

lets see. there's vector test today and i attempted all questions. HOWEVER, i believe most answers i wrote are WRONG. im such a shithead. damn. cant i just pass a simple test? =/ and as for english timed assignment today. we're suppose to write a compo. i drafted a few topics before settling on "true friends does not exist, is this fair?" something like that. due to time constrain, i crapped my way through the back of the compo. guess what i wrote? "luck is the true friend of typical gamblers cause they need their true friend to be around in order to win lots of money!" OR "money makes the world go round. and yes this is true for families of lower incomes as without money, nothing can be done. therefore, money is the true friend of theirs and it exists." WOOTS GUESS MY SCORE FOR THAT COMPO. LOL! WINNERS WILL GET TO KISS ME aka PWB. LOL!

played bball just now. halfway during the match duno for what reason i look at sj. i heard someone screaming my name and the next moment, WHAM. that ball gave me a hard smack right in the face. zzz. at that instance, i smelt blood and i thought my teeth were going to drop. lol! but after a while everything seemed intact and i continued playing. felt giddy but nvm. haha. accidents during games are unavoidable so yup, i guess its alright. shawn threw that ball btw! lol. dun worry lar nv blame u. hah.

thats the end of my post today. adios! ;D

-just when i needed you most

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

song of the day: lin jun jie - yuan lai

yes a new blogskin! i got tired of that yellowcard one so i change into this. lol. just a brief update before i log off.

im feeling terrible right now. my nose had been leaking like a broken tap since.. 4pm? and it isnt stopping. i sneezed soo much that i feel like its going to drop soon. dang. and there's a god damn vector test tmr and im still not so sure about doing it. guess ill have to try my luck again. hopefully i pass this time round. im so tired of failing my papers. hmmm.

yeap thats the end of my short post today. all of a sudden, i formed quite a few of study groups. lol. off i go to study for my test now. adios yall (:

-just when i needed you most

Sunday, August 13, 2006

its true that action speaks louder than words. therefore, im going to do something bout my results. with this kind of performance, im definitely not going to promote. so from today, 13august onwards, im going to give up on DotA. yes you heard me. (however, ill continue to dota after the promos exams xD) so please dont ask me for dota or to even host it. im not going to give in! this is to allow more time for me to study and probably sleep too. sorry dahzz! on the other hand, ill try to shit less too. HAHA.

P.S: however, i might play dota OUTSIDE home. (:

-just when i needed you most

Thursday, August 10, 2006

song of the day: s.h.e - chu dian

this is going to be quite a long post. please finish reading it ok. hah.

lets start with last sat, 5th august. i met hongwei and dre at suntec. was quite shy so didnt really talk. we went arcade to play games such as photohunt and bball. haha then the photohunt is those kind where there's alot pictures of sexy girls lar. then some differences is at their boobs lor. bo pian haf to press there ma. then hongwei say i biantai! >,< the next stage also haf den i dont press i only say "the boobs la" den they press for me. lol! after which we went andersen's ice cream. we ordered couple's fondue. lol 3of us shared it. more like threesome than couple. haha! then i realise there's something in my water. duno whats that. den i peeked at hongwei's and his also got. den he go tell the server "erm there's something in my water." guess what's her response? "we added lemon into the water" HAHA! super hilarious especially hongwei's reaction. so dumb can =x

national day was yesterday and we students sorta have 3days of holidays. and among these 3 days, 2days were pretty hectic that is national day eve and the day itself.
tuesday, 8august, there's celebration in school. woke up at 6am. go school, after which there's canoe wet training from 3-6. after which the canoe members went suntec for dinner. my gang met me there and we went arcade after dinner at bk. time passed and we're late for the fireworks! we went to the back garden at suntec trying to have a view at it. who knows! we're being blocked by one stupid building. sian 1/2. we can only smell the smoke, hear the explosions and watch the reflections. =.=. we went marina square next for some pool and lan. but all were fullhouse. there's really nothing to so we went esplanade for a walk. 1st time there leh me! suaku hor. lol. so many people somemore. and heaps of litter strewn everywhere after the fireworks. that's the work of singaporeans. =/. cant they be just a little more considerate for others? hmmm. after that, we headed home. i reached home at 12am. was really shagged out.

yesterday was national day. i went for kbox with daph and mel at 10.30am. we sang and makan till 12.30. we went for neoprint after that! thats the 1st time we took neoprints with just the 3of us in it. lol. later, we went queensway to shop for birthday presents! we bought daph a pair of addidas shoes, stuffs for caleb and jianwen. really broke man. and there's so many shops at the 2nd level so its hard for us to locate the shop we passed by just now. therefore, we traced it by following the tender of the shop. lol! like there's this guy he went to buy food. after which he walked back to his shop. to think we stood there waiting for him to finish buying and following him back to his shop. later he think the girls like him sia. haha. melanie bought a bag from that shop btw. everyone went home with something except for me! roar! super broke lar. wanted to buy some boxers but they're quite ugly leh so nv buy. lol.

thats the end of my long post! ;D im looking forward to kbox with dahzz! hee.
please tag so that i know that you're here! adios pple (;

-just when i needed you most

Friday, August 04, 2006

song of the day: cai yi lin - jia zhuang.

yesterday was a good day, so quite was today.

we won the frisbee match yesterday, clinching the 3rd position. it was sad that we lost to taurus house. all use body contact 1 when they're not suppose to. they can even ram into one another without knowing its their own people. barbarians? lol. though it was a real long day yesterday, we (me mel daph) went mac to eat after the extra maths lecture which ended at 7pm. and we found a $5 lying seducingly on the floor! lol. imagine its dinner time and the mcdonald was so packed with people. and from nowhere you see a $5 note. we, of couse took the money la and shared it among us. cheap eh? hmmm.

recently i was informed of people interested in me. are they true? lol. i was told that a faggot was asking loads of questions bout me from my friend. yucks. and she's A GUY! interested in me? gosh. lol. den there's someone by the name of M5concept sent me a message on friendster inviting me to be a model. should i have a try and go for it? it seemed to be an established agency in singapore though. haha.

not only the weekdays are tiring, i forsee the weekends will be the same too. LOTS of tutorials and revision to do. i cant goddamn retain in j1 next year. i really got to put in extra effort for the eoy papers. sigh. somebody help me! i need guidance in maths chemistry and physics. anyone? lol.

it was during sec2 when we (me leb edmund belinda etc) went to denise house after school to play mahjong. sometimes, we ended up in pillowfights. LOL.

-just when i needed you most






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blogskin: Pan Weibo