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Saturday, May 27, 2006

few updates. much better now but still not yet recover from my illness =( had gp and chinese papers on wednesday.. i hope can pass n get good results lo.. disappointed with physics which ive gotten last in class. physics is just so not my cup of tea, i practically hate it! maths is just another blow to me by just failing it. cant i just get a pass in all my subjects?! wtf man.
was feeling kinda moody yesterday. while walking home alone, i was thinkin that at this point of life, what do i really want. good results? good friends? closer relationship with family? i believe its not easy to balance them all equally cause by having more of something, you'll have to sacrifice a lil of another thing. arh duno what im talkin bout. ya feeling so contradicting now. i hope im one of them who can balance all these equally. thats all. adios.

-just when i needed you most

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

ponned sch today =x lol nah im too sick to go to school i guess.. well such a guai kia like me where will pon sch 1? hehs.. most people will think i spend most of my day sleeping. nope i didnt, in fact i played DOTA! haha 3matches two win one lose. the lose one i top deaths sia 26deaths =x. still so proud lol.
anyway was kinda touched today even tho didnt go sch ah. i told daph n jessen that im not able to go and guess what? yang melanie even sj also msg me asking me to take care. awww. and thanks benjamin too! lol. great to know that there are friends out there who are concerned bout me. love yall! hehs i really do =) adios!

-just when i needed you most

Monday, May 22, 2006

feelin so sick now - my nose is running, my throat is burning and i kept sneezing. sigh hate this kind of feeling man.
yesterday was a great day! watched da vinci code at the grand cathay with hongwei danny and zhihe. movie was kinda good i guess cause i didnt read the book lol. the movie sounds so convincing man but ya, its all fiction. anyway the movie theatre like lecture hall size sia can accomodate 600pple, difference is just that its very much more nicely done up. the seats are comfortable too lol.
walked to wisma afterwhich cause hongwei said he wanna look at the bags there and later, we ended up having dinner at pepper lunch. that must have cause my illness! roar! after dinner, we decided to go play lan at cineleisure and yeap its fun. thanks danny for giving us a treat. before we start heading home, i still cant believe we went for neoprints. lol 2times somemore. damn funny la. nice people lol. thats all bout my gay gang and i. adios! ;D

-just when i needed you most

Saturday, May 20, 2006

did flag day for cip today. went toa payoh to get people to donate. most were nice la while some were kinda fcuked up lor by giving stupid attitudes.. haha while crossing one of the roads there today which i thought was a zebra crossing, i almost got rammed down by a taxi. i think i should thank jessen for calling me out when he realised im in danger. and thanks for holding my hands to cross the road afterwhich. the thought of that makes me wanna laugh lol.
went kbox with daph mel n rachel just now and sang from 2-7. tiring sia lol and i think im losing my voice. *cough* anyway i saw this mv starring this very cute/hot/sexy singer and therefore, i hope to share it with you guys. but hands off okay! she's mine =) wahaha. peace yall!

-just when i needed you most

Friday, May 19, 2006

first of all, happy birthday to one of my greatest bro, hongwei! muacks haha.
went back to bp today after sports day in ijc to collect cert.. well i wasnt allowed to collect it as i still owe school some $40 from some chemistry course which should be deducted from my edusave.. super lame sia! went to visit some teachers before strolling around in the school, trying to refresh and recall our wonderful memories there. from sec1 orientation to the times in students council to breaking the school rules to cheering competitions to sec3 obs camp. i miss every moment of them.
the moment i stepped into bp, i gazed at the structure in disbelieve that im back here again! while walking along the classroom corridors, i hear the noises we once made. as i entered the old 4p1 cabin classroom, i smell the familiar scent of the classroom. i found my old partner - the desk which followed me for at least half a year and kissed it with my hands. the feeling of being back in bp was great. ever since daph and mel set foot in the classroom, they were lost in a world of their own, acting out the usual scenes we would see in the class such as everyone started running back to their seats and taking out their amaths book when someone shouted "oi vlee lai liao".
bukit panjang govt high school, the place where many beautiful memories lie. i'll never know i love bp so much if i didnt go back today. bpghs, you'll always secure a portion of my heart. thanks for everything.

-just when i needed you most

Thursday, May 18, 2006

i believe some of my classmates visit my blog everyday or almost everyday. thanks for that as i believe they're here cause they wanna know whats happening to me or around me. i would like you if you're one of them to know that you are one step closer into knowing me after reading all my vents, and thanks for taking the effort to do so =) at least you're better than those who i expect to visit my blog almost everyday like you do.
occasionally, people advise me against sparing too much thoughts for others and thus forgetting myself. to an extent, i guess this is some sort of true. i would like to dedicate this small part to a friend of mine. when i think so much for you, i've got nothing like that in return. its not that i need it so much but you know, argh just THANKS. just two words for you, FUCKED UP. and i shall stop commenting bout you here cause i believe no one's really perfect and therefore, i dont expect you to be. im not perfect either, so pardon me by saying this here. furthermore, my blog is basically a place where i share my anger/happiness with all so yea, this is me. im disappointed. thats all for today. adios.

-just when i needed you most

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

well everything's becoming back to normal i guess, except for some issues which are still there and should not be discussed so yup.. and i should say im quite dumb la, bringing up wrong things at the wrong timing. so if i offended anyone of you, i'll say sorry here la k? ;D
few updates on me. i scored the highest for chinese test in class! yay happy sia lol.. and there's odac tmr, sian =/ rugby was fun! contact rugby for the last 10mins! all was good except for that moment when i got rammed in my cheek and got a big scratch on my arm unknowingly.
last but not least and back by popular demand, i've uploaded here another episode of haaadoo gay! enjoy yall! adios!

-just when i needed you most

Monday, May 15, 2006

awkward day that is. a worm spoilt the whole dinner! everything is getting so pointless and just so out of point at times. its the lack of communication causing problems to rise. i prefer people to be straightforward and not being fake. i mean, why cant you just stand out, explain and let everyone knows whats going on and stuffs? if you dont it, i shall =)
for no fucking reason, my group of mates just split up. and we werent even informed of why it happened. it just seemed like we've got outcast by them just so randomly, without even knowing that and yet, we still go around talkin and joking with them, oblivious to the fact that we're actually irritating them. and up till now, i still dont get the whole point.
can anyone of you just stand up and explain to us what the hell is going on? i dont wish my post is going to hurt any of our relationships but just be fair to us and clarify. thanks.

i wonder how the chalet is going to be like...

-just when i needed you most

Sunday, May 14, 2006

hoooooooooo! lol. anyone heard of hard gay? a very funny comedian from japan.. thanks hongwei n andre for sharing ah! hahah! now here's a preview of one of his many hilarious moments.

alright sensitive issue.
i see a multi-flavoured cake being sliced into 3parts. vanilla flavour is happy as it does not want to be erm, associated with strawberry and chocolate? well and now strawberry is angry cause, it felt cheated? and most prob chocolate is confuse and it does not quite understand whats happening and its future outcome remains unknown. however there could be 3possible answers. 1.take a side 2.stay isolated 3.being eaten up. so what will be the outcome of this chocolate cake? stay tuned! adios! ;D

-just when i needed you most

Friday, May 12, 2006

watched mtv asia awards on mtv this afternoon and cai yi lin left me a very deep impression during her performance.. for those who dont know her, she's one of the taiwan divas.. her dance is very the freaking good sia!! lol really shocked to find her performing so well in front of like thousands of people. i think most probably when the ang mohs see her performance, they will change their views on the chinese. for the first time im saying this, jolin is awesome.

next up, i'll just say that im disappointed to hear a comment bout me today.. yeap thats all i guess.. adios! ;)

-just when i needed you most

great day today! no physical training for p.e but TOUCH RUGBY! it was all fun fun and fun! yeap n after sch went makan at cwp with daph shermaine terri jessen. and thanks to shermaine jiejie for the voodoo lol.. she claimed we(jessen and i) were so pitiful to have either lost or broken our voodoo that she actually promised to buy us new ones! thanks shermaine ;D

it was all good till something happened just now which made me really down. i was in a situation when i was trying to prove something but cant do it as i was trying to save something. i was feeling chaotic in the mind and i felt like im suffocating. well, thats all for today i guess.. dont really have the intention to explain what happened.. yeap so adios!

-just when i needed you most

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

this will be my final blog, not changing my url anymore.. haha

many things to blog about so i'll post them in point form ;D

-jc life has been so so stress
-relationships with classmates not as good as we used to be
-i finally passed my 1st test - econs
-i passed my napfa with silver =(
-i joined odac and i feel like skipping it almost every week =/
-trying hard to be one of the top few in class (hopefully)
-i really cherish my friends around me and i hope they would do the same for me
-i really hope that this jc life is going to improve.

i miss the times spent in bpghs during the last 4 years
-sec1: with xihong leb n weiren. mahjong with denise and gang. 102pple
-sec2: fun times in council. eddie and gang. valerie n stella. 205pple
-sec3: still close relations with 5a pple. tuanyeow n gang. 3p1 pple
-sec4: daph, jarrod, mel n gang. jiawei and ys. 4p1 pple
time really flies. however, the memories will still be there. i miss yall alot and thanks for everything.

something bout today
i managed to cheer someone up (i guess so) who had sort of been experiencing the similar kind of stress as me. felt kinda happy though. learnt something from yesterday's chinese mock exam paper: "no matter how rich or how successful you are, you still need somebody's help. no matter how poor or how lousy you are, you can still give someone help". i believe that this is so so true. yeap.. im really tired and i need a break. gotta rest well during this long weekend. i'll end here people, adios.

-just when i needed you most






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blogskin: Pan Weibo